Retina – Macula Department

Laser ματιών σε Αθήνα | Laser ματιών Χαλκίδα | Laser ματιών Λειβαδειά | Laser ματιών Πάτρα | Laser ματιών Πειραιάς |

In Ypapanti Eye Clinic we perform retinal angiography WITHOUT CONTRAST MEDIUM using the OCT Avanti XR AngioVue by Optovue. This is an innovative, PAINLESS and SAFE examination method for patients with wet age-related macular degeneration and other diseases of the macula and the optic nerve (glaucoma). With this new test we perform angiography WITHOUT contrast medium (fluorescein – indocyanine) avoiding their possible complications and side effects. With AngioVue and SSADA technology the movement of blood components (red blood cells) becomes visible allowing for three-dimensional, high-resolution imaging of the vasculature and microvasculature on various levels of the retina.

Scientific Director: Malamos Panayiotis Dr. Malamos Panayotis has specialized in retinal and macular departments, in Vienna. He has worked as an assistant curator in the macular and ocular degenerations department of the General Athens State Hospital G. Gennimatas and holds a Ph.D from the University of Athens.